Recently I was asked, by some new online friends, for my thoughts about skincare, at age 62. I am going to try to quick share them here in 10 things, because how long is anyone’s attention span for moisturizer, et al?:D That said, I am sure I have forgotten some things, as I am dashing- sorry!
First, my mom was ahead of her time. She saw me heading out the door with my friend Josie to “lay out.” In high school. “Laying out” meant dousing yourself in baby oil and using this tinfoil, cardboard thing (I never owned one) to capture more “rays” on your face.
“Wait” mom counseled “This “tanning” you are heading for, will ruin your skin. Not now, but eventually.” I listened. I put down the baby oil. I don’t go with darling Josie. I was a little mad, but more, intrigued. Mom was a straight shooter when it was important.
I noticed my mom had a specific skincare regime. I decided to have one too. Not then, but eventually. A mother’s influence is slow, and building. It nearly always wins.
Here are my thoughts on skincare, at 62, in order of importance: