Hey friends and fellow family builders. I would love to connect you with my friend KSL, Studio 5 TV. I have done interviews with them in the past (see the TV/Media tab on this website). They were fun! I have recently been invited to be their leading voice in a new series called “Nanahood.” This is delightfully interesting timing because I also happen to have a book coming out on this topic in the fall of 2023!
To this end, they have asked me to share my core philosophies regarding Nanahood. They are soon to share this information in broad, social media strokes. So, I needed to dig deep. This was my heartfelt, honest reply:
Nanas may seem like real-life versions of fairy godmothers. This is because they shine light. But light from Nanas is even better than that which emanates from magic wands.
Nana light is real.
Warm, glowing Nana light grows brighter over decades of participation in advanced “Life School classes.” Subjects included: Forgiveness, Honesty, Gentleness, Kindness, Patience, Integrity, Best Health Practices, and more.
These classes have qualified Nanas for bonus years working in the Department of the Interior (inside their hearts) where they have gathered enormous quantities of shareable love.
This love is extra. Nanas know how to offer the deepest acceptance, and even “irrational” love (more on that in our Nanahood series). Nanas can encourage grandchildren and their parents with love unbounded.
Nanas have a “zoomed out” perspective from living long, and discerning much. They are conscious of the ticking mortality clock. Can Nanas be extra calm in a crisis? They can. They have been through many. They know that “This too, shall pass.”
They will still be filled with that deep family love, even after they lead the way back to our heavenly home. They will still be watching, from heaven, still looking for every chance to help in sending blessings.
Like another lady-Lady Liberty-carrying light, Nanas have a similar (tongue in cheek riff on a) sometimes plea:
“Give me your tired toddlers, your hungry teens,
Your huddled middle schoolers yearning for hugs and listening ears.
Send these, all the tempest-tost, to Nana me,
I lift my lamp beside the welcome door!”
May that light ever emanate from Nanas, through families everywhere.
Perhaps we need Nana (and awesome Grampa) love, now, more than ever…