Hey new friends and old (I don’t mean “old”-you know:) this blog is all about supporting strong families, and one of the best vacation places ever created to help achieve that goal is Aspen Grove, Utah!
Why is this place so popular? Why do people come from all over to attend? And why do they keep coming back? I have met at least five people in families that have come for over 30 years!!!!! Truth be told, I wouldn’t even do Disneyland for 30 years in a row. Would you?
Yet families keep flocking here. What is the deal? Well, have you ever gone on vacation with your spouse and children and thought “This is a lot of cooking et al, for a vacation.” We have raised eight children, and there have been apres vacay moments where I have thought “I need a vacation.” Aspen Grove gets you. It not only provides every single meal, it also gives you a multitude of activity options for you and the kids, plus-camp counselors galore! this means that you can relax while the kids are supervised in offerings like laser tag, hikes, swimming, escape rooms, etc. Of course, you can also attend these activities. The prices are pretty reasonable for the all-inclusive nature of this experience. You can learn more about Aspen Grove here: https://aspengrove.byu.edu/
Where I awkwardly came in…As you know from somewhere else, maybe this blog) I am the author of the Costco bestselling (yay!) book, The Pursuit of Happi-Nest (you can find it other places too under the “Books” tab). When you are an author, you are then often a speaker, and Aspen Grove was my first author gig. I did so many things wrong on this four day jaunt, I could possibly write another l’il book on my errors. One of them was the paragraph I wrote in the application that became the reader board above. I wish I had written something warmer, more inviting and less dull (not necessarily in that order). But I loved the list of classes, and I loved teaching them with my sister Betsy (I roped her into this after I was hired and paid her in sharing the beautiful lodging they gave us, and laughter. We laughed most of the time.)
Special thanks to Jason and the incredible staff at Aspen Grove. Come for the family experiences, stay for the insanely inspirational views. #familytime